Check out these fun bread fabric designs. There is something truly beautiful and satisfying about a well-made loaf of bread (whatever it’s made from)–or a delicious bunch of rolls. I added the cupcakes just for fun.

Bread and Cupcakes

Fabric Designs

Bread and Cupcakes - on strawberry pink!

Strawberry Pink

Blue Wash

Blue Wash

Bread and Cupcakes - Iceberg Blue

Iceberg Blue

Pastel Yellow

Pastel Yellow

Bread and Cupcakes: Medium Spring Green

Medium Spring Green



Bread and Cupcakes: Cream



Warm Grey

Warm Grey

Bread and Cupcakes: Charcoal


Fjord Blue

Fjord Blue

Bread and Cupcakes: Vine Green

Vine Green

Smoky Turquoise

Smoky Turquoise

Bread and Cupcakes: Purple Yam

Purple Yam

This way back to Food and Gourmet.

This way back to Food and Gourmet.

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