I’d like to call your attention to a couple of income opportunities that derive from my artwork: you can sell your own products using materials printed with my designs or collaborate with me on products to sell.

1. Create products using fabric and wallpaper purchased on Spoonflower, and sell on Etsy and similar websites–and make money.

I don’t have very much time to sew or be crafty, but I am always happy to collaborate with seamstresses and tailors on prints for fabrics and with crafters for prints and designs for ribbons, stamps, stickers, wallpaper, and whatever else appeals to you. And–I am also happy to promote the items that you sew using my fabric designs.

2. I take special requests for designs:

If there’s a design topic you’d like to promote that you know you could sell–that I’m not designing around yet, but would be in keeping with what I’m already doing–please feel free to request it. I can’t promise to accommodate every request, but I frequently enjoy the challenge of trying new things.

General categories that I design for:

  • cute
  • clean
  • funny/punny
  • Christian
  • Christmas and other Christian holidays
  • political/patriotic
  • birthday
  • wedding/anniversary
  • graduation
  • pets
  • babies/kids/expecting
  • home
  • business
  • travel

My artwork tends to feature:

  • floral designs
  • cute or cartoon-style animals
  • photographs and digital paintings
  • original graphics
  • abstract designs
  • found objects
  • repeating prints

4. Other possible collaborations:

I would be interested in exploring opportunities to work with printers and marketers in the Lincoln/Omaha (Nebraska) area to sell locally made print-on-demand merchandise featuring my artwork. If this is something that you’d be interested in, please contact me.

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